January 31, 2018 posted by: Suraya

The Beginning

This is my attempt at starting a blog. My intention is to update you all on major projects that I am working on. However, as most projects go, I will become rushed for time on things and forget to take pictures or write about what I have done. If I start to slip, please let me know. Thanks

Several years ago, a friend of mine came to me with the request for a costume based on the mithral armor image in the 3.5 D&D Dungeon Master Guide. For those that don’t know what I am talking about. Take a look at the image below. It appears on page 220 for those that are interested. Anyway, she didn’t want sleeves or the high neck line. Originally, I was going to make the whole thing out of cloth and appliqué. But my husband said no. He said it should be actual chain. So onward I went to learn how to make a chain vest. That was the easy part…


Once the shirt was done, and it took several months… I then had to figure out how I was going to do the bottom. At first I thought it was just one skirt that was pieced together. No problem. I was wrong. Despite the image looking like the skirt is all one piece, based on how armor works, it is actually 3: an underskirt, the chain shirt, and then the actual armor. I had to redesign my pattern. Because of this lack of knowledge on my part, I didn’t order enough rings (because I don’t make my own). They were sold out of the particular hue I bought, so I had to come up with something else. The underskirt will now be made with dyed goat skin, and the chain center piece attaches to the vest, and the outer layer will be made with leather. All right!

But what about the top? Well, since she didn’t want a high neckline, I went for a making a cross between a gorget and paldrons. It really isn’t either of them, but a cross between the two. I know what decoration I want, but I am still trying to figure out how everything will be attached. I’ll let you know when I figure it out.

So where am I in all this? I have finished the vest and am in the middle of attaching the hanging chain to the vest. Hopefully, the chain will be completely done by the end of the week, so I can start working on the leather portions.